Saturday, February 09, 2008


Even taking a shower right now sounds like to much effort. But I feel so gross I must find the energy to do it. My day started at 9 am where I went to the Alumni Softball game (photos to come later) Once the game portion was through I hoofed it over to meet Ric at Jerics new apartment. I made it there just a couple minutes before Ric showed up with the truck. Then from 2-7pm we moved stuff. I think I have found the strength to drag myself to the shower and then into bed. Tomorrow involves driving to SD for my mommy's birthday and a baby shower. A better more energized update will come later. See you on the other side.

1 comment:

jeric2003 said...

Hooray for the Hutchinseses! We couldn't have done it without you.

Ma nuh ma nuh!

And lest you think that I'm THAT awesome of a mover, no, I'm not already hooked up on the internet at our place. We're mooching food and laundry at the in-laws' place. :)