W H O. W A S. T H E. L A S T. P E R S O N.
1. Who made you smile? my cousin and TK
2. You rode in a car with? mom, josh and amanda
3. Went to the movies with? my mom
4. Went to the mall with? my mom, amy and leslie
5. Talked on the phone to? Orange School District (i didnt so much talk as i did listen)
6. Made you laugh? my cousins
7. Talked to on the Internet? bubba, amy and my dad
8. Last person you told and/or they told you they Loved you? bubba and TK
W O U L D. Y O U. R A T H E R.
1. Pierce your nose or tongue? tongue
2. Be serious or be funny? a lil' bit of both ;0)
3. Drink whole or skim milk? Non-Fat
4. Spend time with your parents or enemies? parents
A N S W E R. T R U T H F U L L Y.
1. Do you like anyone? lots of people
2. Sun or moon? oh... a little of each
3. Winter or Fall? I like a little taste of all the seasons
4. left or right? i like to be right
5. Sunny or rainy? balance
A B O U T. Y O U.
1. What time is it? 9:29pm
3. Where do you wanna live? in a fantasy land where all my friends and family live in the same town.
4. How many kids do you want? 2-3
5. Do you want to get married? we have already crossed that bridge : )
6. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? both at the same time
7. Have you ever eaten spam? oh, heavens no!
8. Favorite(s) ice cream? peanut butter -n- chocolate
9. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet? um... lets see... cheerios, rasin bran and life with vanilla yogurt
10. Do you cook? yup! i can't assure you that you'd like it, but i do and that's all that matters.
11. Current mood? tired
I N. T H E. L A S T. 4 8 H O U R S. H A V E. Y O U.
1. Kissed some one? nope, i am away from my bubba
2. Sang? in the car, yes
3. Been hugged? no...and that sucks!
4. Felt stupid? yes
5. Missed someone? oh, definately. missing people like crazy right now.
6. Danced Crazy? not that i can recall
7. Gotten your hair cut? nope.
8. Cried? yep
9. Lied? nope
R A N D O M. Q U E S T I O N S.
1. Have you ever been searched by the cops? only at the airport
2. Do you have a Dog? no... but i wish i did.
3. When was the last time you went sledding? a year ago with the Askews
4. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone? with someone, long as i knew them.
5. If you were a hotdog, would you eat yourself? of course
6. Do you consider yourself creative? i have my moments
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