Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lil Late But.....


Wednesday, Feb 10th was my mommy's birthday. I headed down to SD for the day. I tried to see about getting my mom some Chargers wearable gear, but it was way to expensive. Maybe next year. I cleaned her room for her: vacuuming, straightening up, cleaning the entire bathroom and cat box.

Then went for a 7 mile run around T-town. Got home and changed just before she arrived home from work. She opened her presents and cards. Then we caught up on some American Idol. As always Mexican food was on tap for dinner along with some cake for desert. After that we watched a little TV together, I did my laundry and then headed back home as it was late and mommy needed to get some rest before work the next day.

1 comment:

Darth said...

i'd go for a nate kaeding jersey. I am guessing they are really cheap right now.....bazinga