Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Journal 2/26/08

Went to work early this morning. Some of the kids were being difficult because we caught them smoking yesterday and they are on restrictions. I found out we were having an audit today which complicated things a bit. Half our staff called out sick too. I was real tired coming home...took an hour and a half for no reason. When Cyndi got home we headed to the Block for a free movie screening of "Hamlet 2". It had a lot of funny parts, but at times seemed offensive just to be offensive and see how much language they could throw in. I tried taking pictures at the Block afterward, but was told by security that wasn't allowed. We drove over to Biola and got some night shots of the bell tower and someone's art project on the lawn. I'm hoping some are clear and usable for class tomorrow.


Darth said...

you can't take pictures at The Block or most malls due to homeland security restrictions. you might just be plotting something against the corner bakery...

Hutch said...

I bet Claire's and Jamba Juice have something to do with this. Jihad!