Tuesday, December 25, 2007

the Eve before Christmas

As per tradition we spent the evening with Paul's family. It was a small crowd this year as Robbie & Paul stayed in TN, and Chip & Tootie were sick. This is what the tree looked like this year along with two ceramic penguins that I made for my MIL as she has a thing for penguins. I think they look a bit like Mumble and Gloria from Happy Feet.

The boys waiting patiently for dinner by watching and checking football scores.

After dinner we sit around and enjoy each others company while having coffee & cookies.

We are excited, it is time to open presents and we didn't end up with the last number.

Robbie & Paul sent this lovely outfit for the dog... but we decided to try it on the kitty too.

When Paul and I made it home we decided to open our Christmas stocking since we wouldn't be together on Christmas morning. The boy is having fun in his new SF pants driving with the SF steering wheel cover.

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