Saturday, September 01, 2007

Who knew?

tk and i met a long time ago back in the 6th grade, 16 years :) and have been through a lot together. spending this week with her and the fam has been wonderful. i had some (for lack of being able to think of another word) incredible conversations with Dad and Mom, as well as hearing so many war stories from Papa Tex and conversing with Wanda. i have loved this family like my own for so long i didnt think it was possible to love them any more, but after this trip, i do. they are such an incredible group of people. one might think being the only non-blood relation around that it might be awkward or you would feel out of place but not with this family they all welcomed me with open arms (even the ones i just met yesterday). congratulations on beginning the next path of your life Dad and i love you all.

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