Tuesday, July 12, 2005

I should have followed my parent's lead...

I think one of the worst decisions I've ever made is when I agreed to be the house manager at work. It was something I thought I wanted ever since I started there and realized just how insane my boss was. She didn't have one bit of common sense in her. I knew whatever I did would be better.

When she left suddenly in 2003, the house was in chaos due to several other staff being let go the same week. I was being considered for the position, but turned it down because I didn't want to mess things up even more. I also knew it would be better for me to stay as an assistant with an experienced manager brought in rather than hiring someone new to the field to fill my spot. The guy they brought in was great and I still had some control without having all the responsibility. Unfortunately he left after a year. Things were a little more stable then so I agreed to the promotion.

Now I realize what a mistake that was. It's sad when most days my biggest problems aren't from the gangbanging, crack smoking kids, but from the college educated adult staff. The worst part is that my bosses think that if there are any problems with the staff, that it's because they aren't being managed/supervised properly. I'm sorry, but when a graduate from UCLA is setting up gang fights in the backyard or someone with a Masters in Psychology from USC is bringing an alarm clock so he can take naps in a pillow fort on the couch while the kids run wild...IT'S NOT MY FAULT. That person is a moron. And every time I do interviews to replace people like that, I get 5 people with just as many issues trying to work their way in the door. It just means that instead of doing the work I should be doing now, I end up getting stuck out with the kids the whole time doing what I was happily doing before without the hassle of staff issues.

Sorry for the rant. It's been a long week. If I actually get to take my vacation next month, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if I came back and the house was a giant pile of rubble.

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