August 8, 2008
Kenny's uncle got us 4th row tickets to see the Mariners / Rays game at Safeco Field. It was Yuniesky Betancourt bobblehead night. Yeah, I know you're jealous. Random fact: This was the second straight year that the road team we saw while on vacation ended up going to the World Series (we saw Boston play in Baltimore in 2007).
The field while we were getting food. Our seats were straight ahead just on the other side of home plate.
Rays star rookie Evan Longoria, whom I have since come to hate...
The one decent Seattle athlete left: Ichiro!!
"The field while we were getting fod"
what is fod? i know what food is, and occasionally fud...but not fod
One question remains: Did you visit Seattle Grace Hospital?!!?
If there really was a SGH trust me I would have gone there!
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