Monday, January 07, 2008

Ho Hum.

It was back to work today. After 16 days off and it being a Monday I am guessing I dont have to tell you what a long day it was for me. It also being the first Monday we had school this month there was a staff meeting which made the day extra long. The students were better than I expected. Some had a bit of difficulty concentrating but did fairly well. Hooray.


Thany said...

Remember my suggestion.....kicking will keep them in check. It really will.

Anonymous said...

What??? They didn't all end up in jail for the holidays? Wondered how many would make it back after break.

Cyn said...

Thany- oh, i will def. keep it in mind.:)

Leslie- Well 2 were about 15min late to class the rest were about a half hour late. And 3 have not come back.