Thursday, January 17, 2008

Dawning of a new day

Although I am not sure why I do my best thinking in the shower. Tonight I was thinking about how it became the 17th of Jan. and I had not gotten into gear and started walking/jogging on a daily basis. I have decided that since the day is done and I am getting ready for bed that when I wake up in the morning it will be a new day, a fresh start and it will be the start of becoming a healthier me.

I began reading a book that should help me throughout the beginning of my journey. What I need from you my blogging public is a circle of supporters. Specifically the females (Thany, TK, Jeri, MA, E-rock, Sher, and anyone else as there are too many to name here) who can support me through words of encouragement, asking me the tough questions and sparing me to push on. From the males... I would prefer you just say things like "wow, you look amazing." and "have you lost weight?" I have already read 3 chapters in my book and began a journal.

"Being aware of our issues and doing something about them are two very different things"

I have been aware for quite some time and tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life where I am going to be proactive and do something to change things.


jeric2003 said...

Goooooo Cyndi!!

Should I start counting my own miles to fuel you with a sense of competition?!

Let's see.. I'm probably already at 30 miles this year. So you've got some catching up to do!

Don't ask me how, but somehow my body has started kicking into gear (and I'm working out for 1.5 hours or more), and I'm averaging 4-5 miles each workout, plus doing weights sometimes. You'll see me out on the track Mon-Fri normally, between 5 and 6:30.

Thany said...

You can count on me! :)

Anonymous said...

is it just me or is your butt looking amazing? Did you hit the track today?

Anonymous said...

you help me and i'll help you..i need to get it in gear too

Sher said...

I'll do what I can. I need to get my own rear in gear. I'll get plenty of exercise once Caleb starts crawling. Want to help me chase him when he starts walking?