Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Half Way There

The MS walk is now a month away. I would still love it for more people to join our team, as most of our members are virtual walkers which means they are supporting the team but cannot be there to physcially walk. There is some room at my Mom's house if anyone wants to sign up and come down on Saturday and spend the day in SD before the walk on Sunday. If you would like to join our team as a walker or virtual walker visit this website.
Then click on the link that says Join Our Team.

We have made it to the half way point for donations. Thank you everyone who has helped support me and this cause. To donate to me online visit this link. If you would like to support another walker on the team simply click the My Team Page link and then click on the name of the person you wish to support. Thank you again, love to you all.

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