Friday, December 01, 2006

There is still time

Have you been naughty or nice this year?
Giving Santa some cookies.
Giving Santa some bourbon.
Calling your mom.
Calling your mom collect.
Getting Dad's slippers for him.
Telling Dad to get his own damn slippers.
Opening a door for a woman.
Opening a door for a woman, then sneaking a peek at her butt.
Bake cookies for the less fortunate.
Play hooky with the less fortunate.
Helping an old lady across the street.
Crossing in front of an old lady in the street.
Taking chicken soup to a sick friend.
Giving avian flu to a sick friend.
Making a donation to a charity.
Making a donation to Tom Delay.
This was found on this website. It was editied for content sake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yuo've been very naughty, cee...
you r gonna get alot of coal this year. ;0)