Wednesday, January 31, 2007
The best answer in the show’s history to the time-honored why-do-you-want-to-be-an-American-Idol question:
--Birmingham, Alabama hopeful Chris Sligh
The stars are blazing like rebel diamonds cut out of the sun
The Killers -- Read My Mind
This is my favorite song off of Sam's Town. I'm glad it's finally getting some decent radio airplay.
Monday, January 29, 2007
World Series of Pop Culture
It was fun even though we won't be going to New York. Some of the other people taking the test really liked our shirts and team name so that was cool. I can't really post any details about the test since they've been taking legal action against other bloggers who posted too much. I was able to memorize most of the test while I was taking it so after the competition is over we'll see if I can put that up or not.
Who can tell me our team name and where it came from?
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007

Well, today is the big day. At 4:00 pm Brad, Christie, and I have our audition for the World Series of Pop Culture. As part of my training, I tried to memorize the entire box of questions from the Trivial Pursuit Pop Culture edition. I found that many questions on the show last season were taken word for word from the game. However, now the game is just taking up space, because I seriously doubt I'll be allowed to play it ever again with anyone who reads this blog.
According to someone who auditioned in New York, they have been taking 4 teams from each audition time to move onto the next round and it doesn't seem like it's entirely based on who knows the most. As Jules said in Pulp Fiction, "Personality goes a long way." We're not too creative as far as costumes go. Brad made up some shirts with a logo for us which is cool. One of the New York teams showed up wearing puffy shirts from Seinfeld. It's tough since you can't use any image or phrase that is copyrighted.
Anywho, wish us luck. The grand prize is $250,000 for the team so winning this thing would mean the end of all our student loans and a chance to actually move up a bit in life!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Rough day
A few days after Christmas my grandma got a dizzy spell, fell and hit her head. She was taken to the hospital and they gave her a neck brace to wear when she needed. She's been wearing it off and on for the last few weeks, but the pain in her neck wasn't getting better. On Tuesday night my mom took her back to the hospital. They took more x-rays and found that she had broken a bone in her neck. Since it had never been set right, the bone had managed to twist around into a bad spot.
Yesterday I went to see her at the hospital. They had her in a hard neck brace which she hated. The doctor then told her that the only way they could stabilize her neck enough to let her heal was to put her in a halo for three months.

She really didn't want to do that. The only person she has known who had one had to have it on permanently. The doctor said if they didn't do this and the bone shifted any more that there was a huge risk for paralysis.
My mom and grandpa showed up after a while and we managed to convince her that this was something that had to be done. The doctors went ahead and put it on. She was pretty out of it after that so we went home so she could get some sleep. She still has to have surgery some time this week. They are going to do a bone graft with some bone from her hip to try and strengthen her neck.
Anyway, please pray for her recovery. My mom is helping to take care of my grandpa right now because his memory is going fast and he can't really take care of himself anymore so they could use some prayers as well to get through this time.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Fixed, Sort Of
I am feeling a bit better, there have been no more stomach pyrotechincs today, however my nose and throat decided to add themselves to my list of ailments. I took another nap today, 2 whole hours. Hopefully I continue to feel better tomorrow.
We turn the dirt with our palms cupped like shovels
But I know our filthy hands can wash one another’s
And not one speck will remain
I do believe it’s true
That there are roads left in both of our shoes
If the silence takes you
Then I hope it takes me too
So brown eyes I hold you near
Cause you’re the only song I want to hear
A melody softly soaring through my atmosphere
Cyndi came home sick today from work. She has a milder version of what I had over Christmas that she picked up from one of her kindergarteners. She was able to eat a little by late evening so we'll see what happens. She's been taking meds, drinking water, and getting lots of sleep today.
Monday, January 22, 2007
I'm just saying...
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Pizza Night
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Luc, I am your father!
Yesterday was Luc Robitaille day. Ric was able to get off work so we grabbed some tacos at Del Taco and got up to the XTRA Sports station around 2:30. There were a few other people there already so we chatted a bit. They also had filet mignion sandwiches that were really good. After an hour or so they let us into the studio. By that time there were 30-40 of us.
The show's hosts Petros Papadakis and Matt "Money" Smith came in at 4 followed shortly by Luc. They did a live radio broadcast for an hour and took some questions from the audience. Ric's question wasn't chosen...probably because he was trying to dig up some dirt on some of the other Kings players.
After the interview was done, they handed out some raffle tickets. The numbers before and after mine were chosen to be "King of the Day" and sit in thrones down at rinkside for today's game when Luc's jersey will be retired. They gave out some other prizes too, but neither of us were close.
Then they called out the names of the contest winners and one by one we got to go up and get autographs and take pictures with Luc. I didn't have anything for him to sign, but then they brought out official Kings jerseys for the winners, so he signed that for me.
By the time it was over, we were just in time to hit rush hour traffic. It took about an hour and a half to get back to home. Ric and I were going to go put on our NO MA'AM shirts and get some beers, but figured the women folk might not go for that plan. So instead we picked up Cyndi and Jeri and went to dinner at Red Robin.
BTW: Sometime this weekend they should be posting our pictures on the XTRA Sports website. You can also see me in the photo gallery for their All-In Weekend at the Stratosphere on the same page. I'm wearing my Red Sox jersey.
Friday, January 19, 2007
I (heart) crazy people

I know some of you stick it out for the whole season, but I just can't do it. I'll watch anytime they have the bad singers on. After that I'll check in occasionally when it gets to the final group. Even that can be rough when they throw in "ABBA week" or some other garbage no one wants to hear. Seriously, someone loses out on a chance to be a pop star because their cover of a Barry Manilow song isn't good enough?
Anywho, I found this website that's pretty cool. Some guy looked up and linked to the myspace pages of as many people as he could find from the awful Seattle and Minneapolis auditions. My personal favorites? Jessica "super Jewel fan" Rhode who works as a cosmotologist at Glamour Shots and loves the band "the Google Dolls". Steven "big scary red haired viking guy" Thoen lets us know that "it's always 420 somewhere".
Thursday, January 18, 2007
My day in sports...
So there I am, watching tv, reading my new magazine, and trying to wind down for bed when Cyndi mentions that there was a message on the answering machine about some contest. When I listened to it, I found out I won a contest on XTRA Sports AM 570 to come to their studio on Friday and hang out with Luc Robitaille. For those of you who don't know, he spent most of his career playing for the LA Kings and recently retired as the highest scoring left winger in NHL history and is in the top 10 in career goals scored. I get to bring someone with me, so my first choice was Ric, who is the biggest Kings fan I know. Hopefully he can get off work early. It should be good times.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Monday, January 15, 2007
That is all for tonight as I have to get up early tomorrow to go "teach" Kindergartners. I hope you all had a nice three days off of work. More on my weekend tomorrow. For now I must sleep.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Friday, January 12, 2007
This guy has the coolest job in the world!
Meet Tom Dickson. He's the host of a series of videos on one of my favorite websites Will It Blend? He has a high powered blender and tosses in a bunch of different things to see what will happen. Sadly, he probably gets paid better than me for doing it too. Hot Wheels, Barbies, Ipods, golf balls....he does it all. They even take viewer suggestions for new things to blend. Mr. Dickson, you are truly a man among men.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
At work with Paul...
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
New schedules....again.
For now, they have me working all evenings which doesn't leave much together time with Cyndi's morning teaching hours. We're trying to work things out though. I'm trying to force myself to wind down on the way home so I can go to bed as soon as I get home. That way we can both get up early and see each other for a few hours over a bowl of cereal before Cyndi goes to work. It's not ideal, but we've had worse back when Cyndi was working and going to school.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Sunday, January 07, 2007
1 down 51 to go
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Friday, January 05, 2007
Alter Ego
Hum, maybe I'll have to start watching the show...
You scored as Kate. You're Kate! You're not really a bad person, you've just had some trouble with your past. You're a little secretive. Under all that, you really are a good person. You're ready to help even if it'll set you back a bit.
Who is your "Lost" alter ego?
created with
Thursday, January 04, 2007
New Years Eve
Then it was time to join the adults and play two rounds of Contentintal the traditional card game for this evening. The first round Cyndi won and recieved a dollar from each player for her winnings. Dad then retired to the couch as we had a short break for ice cream or cookies if you so choose. Then it was time for round two, which Jean took. After the game it was just a few minutes into the new year so Amy and Cyndi tosted with some sparkling cider.

Bradley decided to see if Abby liked laser pointers as much as kitties do. She liked it more, Abby kept chasing it around everywhere and trying to bite it. You can't really see it in this picture but at the bottom directly in front of her nose is the red dot from the laser.
This was Mom's present from Paul W. last Christmas. Since it is the New Year and Chilly Willy will have to go back in his box till next year we decided to grab a quick photo opportunity.
Happy New Year
(sorry, I forgot to post this on Christmas, and now I have missed New Years. I suppose better late than never?)
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Healthy Start
The one I want to share with you all is our Healthy Living Goal. We plan to walk 2 miles every day in 2007. This would give us a grand total of 728 miles this year. However, we are challenging ourselves to make it to 750. This does not include daily walking of to the car, or errands these are straight 2 miles either around a track, on the treadmill or hitting the pavement. On the side of our Hutchins Blog we will have a counter with the Goal and where each of us stand individually.
In addition I want to do some weight training or additional cardio 3 times a week. I am also trying to keep a food diary. Paul does extra at work every day with the crazy amount of stairs he is up and down for 8 hours. So... there you have it, hopefully you will all be seeing drastic changes in us.
Today Paul and I did our 2 miles at Biola's track.