We spent New Years Eve with the Family. Amy wanted a rematch of Scum so five of us broke out the cards and began the challenge to obtain Presidency. Amy won this time!
Then it was time to join the adults and play two rounds of Contentintal the traditional card game for this evening. The first round Cyndi won and recieved a dollar from each player for her winnings. Dad then retired to the couch as we had a short break for ice cream or cookies if you so choose. Then it was time for round two, which Jean took. After the game it was just a few minutes into the new year so Amy and Cyndi tosted with some sparkling cider.
Then it was time to join the adults and play two rounds of Contentintal the traditional card game for this evening. The first round Cyndi won and recieved a dollar from each player for her winnings. Dad then retired to the couch as we had a short break for ice cream or cookies if you so choose. Then it was time for round two, which Jean took. After the game it was just a few minutes into the new year so Amy and Cyndi tosted with some sparkling cider.

Bradley decided to see if Abby liked laser pointers as much as kitties do. She liked it more, Abby kept chasing it around everywhere and trying to bite it. You can't really see it in this picture but at the bottom directly in front of her nose is the red dot from the laser.
This was Mom's present from Paul W. last Christmas. Since it is the New Year and Chilly Willy will have to go back in his box till next year we decided to grab a quick photo opportunity.
I wish we could get through one holiday without these two not getting along and starting fights with each other.
Oh well, maybe next year.
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