Yesterday was Luc Robitaille day. Ric was able to get off work so we grabbed some tacos at Del Taco and got up to the XTRA Sports station around 2:30. There were a few other people there already so we chatted a bit. They also had filet mignion sandwiches that were really good. After an hour or so they let us into the studio. By that time there were 30-40 of us.
The show's hosts Petros Papadakis and Matt "Money" Smith came in at 4 followed shortly by Luc. They did a live radio broadcast for an hour and took some questions from the audience. Ric's question wasn't chosen...probably because he was trying to dig up some dirt on some of the other Kings players.
After the interview was done, they handed out some raffle tickets. The numbers before and after mine were chosen to be "King of the Day" and sit in thrones down at rinkside for today's game when Luc's jersey will be retired. They gave out some other prizes too, but neither of us were close.
Then they called out the names of the contest winners and one by one we got to go up and get autographs and take pictures with Luc. I didn't have anything for him to sign, but then they brought out official Kings jerseys for the winners, so he signed that for me.
By the time it was over, we were just in time to hit rush hour traffic. It took about an hour and a half to get back to home. Ric and I were going to go put on our NO MA'AM shirts and get some beers, but figured the women folk might not go for that plan. So instead we picked up Cyndi and Jeri and went to dinner at Red Robin.
BTW: Sometime this weekend they should be posting our pictures on the XTRA Sports website. You can also see me in the photo gallery for their All-In Weekend at the Stratosphere on the same page. I'm wearing my Red Sox jersey.
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