A few days after Christmas my grandma got a dizzy spell, fell and hit her head. She was taken to the hospital and they gave her a neck brace to wear when she needed. She's been wearing it off and on for the last few weeks, but the pain in her neck wasn't getting better. On Tuesday night my mom took her back to the hospital. They took more x-rays and found that she had broken a bone in her neck. Since it had never been set right, the bone had managed to twist around into a bad spot.
Yesterday I went to see her at the hospital. They had her in a hard neck brace which she hated. The doctor then told her that the only way they could stabilize her neck enough to let her heal was to put her in a halo for three months.

She really didn't want to do that. The only person she has known who had one had to have it on permanently. The doctor said if they didn't do this and the bone shifted any more that there was a huge risk for paralysis.
My mom and grandpa showed up after a while and we managed to convince her that this was something that had to be done. The doctors went ahead and put it on. She was pretty out of it after that so we went home so she could get some sleep. She still has to have surgery some time this week. They are going to do a bone graft with some bone from her hip to try and strengthen her neck.
Anyway, please pray for her recovery. My mom is helping to take care of my grandpa right now because his memory is going fast and he can't really take care of himself anymore so they could use some prayers as well to get through this time.
My prayers are always with you and your family Cee.
And by Cee you mean Paul?
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