Yesterday was the second day of my photo class. We had to turn in 4 pictures we've taken and show them on the overhead projector. I was very nervous about this because I always think my stuff is going to suck. I was telling Amy last week that I don't want to be like the people auditioning for American Idol. You know the ones who go in and think they're hot stuff because everyone they know has told them they were great just to avoid hurting their feelings? That is until they sing for the judges and are shocked to find out that they're really horrible. I fear that.
So anyway, one by one everyone in the class went up to show their pictures. There were some really good ones, but then a few people in a row went up who had very boring or even out of focus or whitewashed pictures. I knew I had them beat so I went up. The professor commented on 2 of them. An older one I took of a flower was his favorite of my bunch, but he liked my river picture I took with my newer camera. Next week I have to have 6 new pictures using some of the techniques we went over. I really hope it stops raining though, because it's going to be real hard to get good shots with all the gray skies.
Here are the two pics I got comments on (click to make bigger):
Pictures aren't working... :(
hmm...they work on both computers i've been on.
I like your pictures..and i don't just say that cause i'm your mommy
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