Sunday I woke with a headache at 8am so I decided to go back to bed for awhile longer. After I woke up I grabbed some laundry and headed down to SD for the day. I took the madre grocery shopping. Folded some of her laundry and then we went to grab a bite to eat and out to the movies (Dan in Real Life). Then it was time to switch my laundry and do a couple chores around the house. I needed to go to Wal-mart so I took my moms car to run my errands and fill it up with gas. Mom and I hung out at the house a bit more and laughed at the silliness of Meeko. Finally it was time to head home again.

is meeko playing with another lanyard or ribbon?
it is the SAME lanyard string. she goes nuts over that thing. who knew. why on earth did i buy her toys when a string would do just fine.
yeah. seriously. if string makes her happy, good for her i guess. haha. but that is true, she would do anything for a scooby snack..i mean kitty snack
the lanyard string is now in 3 pieces though. so she would go through a lot of it in her life. we just got her new kitty snacks and was freaking out to get them open.
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