Friday, August 31, 2007
C's trip day 5: And I'm Lovin Every Minute
Thursday, August 30, 2007
C's trip day 4:
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
C's trip day 3: Good Morning Baltimore
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
C's Trip Day 2: Eye of the Tiger
after the batting cages we found a theatre and caught a movie.
Monday, August 27, 2007
C's Trip Day 1: Airplane flies high
we had a lovely drive back to the house even though it decided to start raining for about 5 minutes while we were on the freeway. then Mom took me over to the hotel to check in before heading back to the house to hang out for awhile. as we were driving up the Texas g-parents were also pulling up with dinner. we waited a few more minutes till TK was off work and then just the 10 of us sat down for the BBQ dinner the g-parents picked up. after dinner TK and i headed downstairs to clean off her desk and pack up her stuff. a couple hours later we headed for the hotel and a much needed vacation... more to come later.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Trip Day 10: California, Here I Come
Trip Day 9:Take me out to the ball game
This morning we had a reservation to take a tour of the White House. If you have never done this I would suggest you try to fit it in next time you are in DC. This was followed up by nap time for Paul. For the afternoon we were able to score tickets to get into the Bueru of Engraving and Printing, it is incredible how much time and effort goes into making money. Next stop was Ford's Theatre and the Peterson House. While we were walking back to the subway we happened upon a mailbox painted like R2-D2 (we keep forgetting to take a photo with the one in SD) so we just had to stop and take the photo op.
We wrapped up the evening with a Nationals/Phillies game.
Trip Day 8:

Trip Day 7: On The Boardwalk
This morning we rented a Hyundai Elantra with XM radio and drove through Maryland, Delaware and small town Jersey up to Atlantic City. We looked around the city for the hotel we were staying at, checked in and headed for the Boardwalk.
Trip Day 6: Lazy Sunday

We then walked over to the Vietnam Memorial.
Cyndi wanted to go see the Pentagon next so we got back on the subway and headed to Pentagon City, we walked around the mall for a short while, ate lunch and then took it one more stop over to the Pentagon as it was Sunday nothing was open but we were able to walk around the outside of the building.
We talked to Bradley and he could not believe we had not been to a place called 5 guys yet. He told us it was THE place to go eat while we were out there. So back on the subway and over to Chinatown we went. They were some tasty burgers.
Trip Day 5: City of Blinding Lights
Next it was time to head over to Arlington National Cemetary. They had a deal that you could take a tram around to all of the major locations. We hopped on that and walked around a bit at each stop.
After Arlington it was time for dinner so we grabbed some Sabarro. As we were walking back through Union Station we stopped to ask about the Twilight Tour of all the Monuments. They told us what time to come back and where to get our tickets so we went and showered and changed and headed back to catch the 7 o'clock bus.
The WWII Memorial was special for us to go see as all of our grandpa's served as well as my grandma Dougherty. We were able to find Grandpa Hutchins in the database but none of the others.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Trip Day 4: Bonus Picture for Job Tate!
Trip Day 4: The Boys of Summer

We got to the stadium a little after noon. We looked around a bit, then went next door to the Maryland Sports Museum. Most of it was Orioles related though it was cool to see a Super Bowl trophy up close. Part of our ticket was a tour of the Babe Ruth Birthplace and Museum 3 blocks away. I forgot that Babe Ruth was a coach for the Dodgers, so it was neat to see his Dodgers and Red Sox jerseys on display.
Trip Day 3: Happy Birthday

We had lunch at a very crowded Fuddruckers and then took the metro back over to the Mall. As we were walking to the monuments, it began to rain. We weren't really prepared for that, but it did feel great. We took shelter at the closest building, the National Holocaust Museum. It was sad, but a beautiful building.
It stopped raining by the time we left. Next came Cyndi's least favorite part of our trip. We ended up walking from the Holocaust Museum over to our tour at the Kennedy Center (over 2 miles away we figure) even though our feet were already hurting. We found out later there is a shuttle to and from one of the metro stations so at least we didn't have to walk back.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Trip Day 2: Pictures of You
I was surprised to find that almost all the museums in DC are free. I guess since it's government property they aren't allowed to charge for admission. We started with the Natural History museum. I think the one in LA is better. DC has an elephant in the main hall, LA has battling dinosaur skeletons. No contest there. We went upstairs and saw the Hope diamond and had a chance to pet Madagascar hissing cockroaches, but Cyndi wanted no part of that. Go figure.
We made a trip through the Modern Art Gallery then rode the metro over to the Portrait Gallery. This was one of our favorite stops. They had the only collection of presedential portraits outside of the White House, and also had lots of interesting photos and paintings of both the famous and not so famous.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Trip Day 1: Party Like a Rockstar
On Tueday August 7, we got picked up at 9am for our trip to Washington DC and beyond. The SuperShuttle driver who was supposed to get us had a family emergency that morning, which meant that instead of riding to the airport in one of those big blue shared vans,we got a private ride in a Lincoln Towncar complete with free bottled water and magazines in English and French. All we needed was some Crystal and we'd be right up there with all the rockstars.
After we got to the airport and checked in, we still had an hour to kill. During that time, our Congresswoman's aide finally decided to use the cell phone number I kept giving him during phone tag. He set us up for a private tour of the Capitol, and the Kennedy Center, as well as one of the few White House tours while we were there. Since you can only tour the White House and the Capitol through your representative, we had figured we wouldn't get a chance to see them. Right after that call, a friend called with another bit of unexpected good news. Things were getting off to a great start.
The plane ride to DC was pretty uneventful. We had an hour and a half layover in Salt Lake City. Shrek the Third was the movie during the second leg. We both skipped it and watched movies on the ipod instead.
We got to Dulles Airport at 11:30 at night and found that there weren't many options at that time to get to our hotel 30 miles away in the city. We paid for SuperShuttle again because it was slightly cheaper than the rest. The only other guy in the van was a Vietnam vet from Compton who was there for his brother in law's funeral at Arlington the next day. He told us stories about him, his two brothers, and the brother in law all making it back from Vietnam unharmed for several tours. Crazy stuff. As we got into the city, we could see some of the monuments lit up around us. It was very surreal seeing them so huge, and right there in front of us. It reminded me why I've wanted to visit again since I was last there 16 years ago for my 8th grade trip.
We got to the hotel a little before 1am. Even though no one was on the road, the driver kept to the highway speed limit of 45. What's up with that? The hotel was very nice, within a few blocks of the Capitol, and had a Irish theme to it too. We hadn't eaten all day so we asked the front desk about food and found out about a place that delivered pizza until 4:30am. After we ate, we watched a little tv and went to bed.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
The Other Side
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Checking In
Sunday, August 05, 2007
We will miss you Aunt Robin
And if I'm gone when you wake up, it's not goodbye.
Don't look back at this time
As a time of heartbreak and distress.
Remember me, remember me.
'Cause I'll be with you in your dreams.
Oh, I'll be with you, Oh
but if I'm gone when you wake up, please don't cry.
And if I'm gone when you wake up, don't ask why.
Don't look back at this time
As a time of heartbreak and distress.
Remember me, remember me.
'Cause I'll be with you in your dreams.
Oh Oh
don't cry, I'm with you.
Don't cry, I'm by your side.
Don't cry, I'm with you.
Don't cry, I'm by your side.
And though my flesh is gone, whoa
I'll still be with you at all times.
And though my body's gone, whoa
I'll be there to comfort you at all times.
Oh, oh.
But if I'm gone when you wake up, please don't cry.
And if I'm gone when you wake up, it's not goodbye.
Don't look back at this time
As a time of heartbreak and distress.
Remember me, remember me
'Cause I'll be with you,
I'll be with you
I don't want you to cry and weep. Oh, oh.
I want you to go on living your life.
I'm not sleeping an endless sleep. Oh, oh.
It's in your heart you'll have all of our good times.
Oh,oh, all of our good times, Oh, oh..... you have.
Cuz if I'm gone when you wake up, please don't cry.
And if I'm gone when you wake up, it's not goodbye.
Don't look back at this time
As a time of heartbreak and distress.
Remember me, remember me.
'Cause I'll be with you in your dreams.
I'll be with you in your dreams...
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
For Fun
Your Eyes Should Be Brown |
Your eyes reflect: Depth and wisdom What's hidden behind your eyes: A tender heart |
You Are An Intro-Extrovert! |
Sometimes you're social - sometimes you're shy You've got a bit of an Introvert / Extrovert split going on You enjoy all sorts of situations. Parties, small groups, and alone time. Too much of one, and you'll long for the other. You need variety! Chances are, you've got both serious and fun friends - and they don't get along. |
Your IQ Is 125 |
Your Logical Intelligence is Average Your Verbal Intelligence is Exceptional Your Mathematical Intelligence is Exceptional Your General Knowledge is Exceptional |
You Should Own a Beagle |
Low maintenance, very friendly, and sturdy. |
You Are Likely an Only Child |
At your darkest moments, you feel frustrated. At work and school, you do best when you're organizing. When you love someone, you tend to worry about them. In friendship, you are emotional and sympathetic. Your ideal careers are: radio announcer, finance, teaching, ministry, and management. You will leave your mark on the world with organizational leadership, maybe as the author of self-help books. |
You Really Know Your State Capitols |
You Got 20 State Capitols Correct You're either a geography buff... or you have an excellent memory. |